gadis cilik ayah


'aku ingin menjadi ilmuwan, bolehkah?'

'tentu saja, kau boleh menjadi apa saja yang kau inginkan.'

having such a the greatest father ever like you, is like having a star from God, shining my life anytime, and everywhere.

when i was child, you always brought me a present after you came back home from working. although it was just a bar of chocolate. you always allowed me to buy what i want when mother didn't give permission to do that. i remember, when both of us bought a bowl of 'tahu jahe' secretly, because mom thought that thing was not good enough for me, because i can get fever after i eat that thing. it's such a romantic moment between us, you know :')

you teach me a lot, i always love when you taught me how to draw, because i'm not expert on that lesson, and i'll always get lower score in that lesson. you teach me how to be a good girl. you teach me how to be a good sister for the only sister that i have. you teach me how to be a good daughter for mother. you teach me how to swim, hahaha. mother said that both of us is similar, maybe i have many gen from you.

i was feeling so blue, when mother talked to me about, you told to everyone in your office, that the your first little girl, could pass many test of university entrance exams. and mom said that you're so proud of me, although you never said to me, like that. but i knew it, i knew it.

and the best part is, i can share anything with you until now, except about boy, huh. because you seems like jealous, when there's any boy in my heart besides you.

now, i'm growing up, and will continue to grow up. maybe, now, i can't give anything to you, but i swear that i'll be the best daughter ever for you, and mom, of course. i'll make you proud of me. someday, aamiin.

with love, your (not anymore) little girl. and happy birthday :)

terinspirasi, saat duduk sendirian di McD melihat sebuah keluarga kecil, dimana seorang ayah sedang menyuapi anaknya. (di tulis pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2011, H-1 ulang tahun bapak)

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