do diet


yes, i'll do diet that start from today
because my mother tell me that i'm like Badak with this big body
actually, i didn't feel sad or feel sorry with this condition, but i feel so confused when i'm looking around a dress for my friend's wedding, it makes me so crazy, really crazy
there's no dress that fit to me, oh my god, i feel so stupid, ugly, and so fat, hahaha
so, from that moment, i tell to myself, that i must be like Tyra Banks, skinny and beautiful
tyra banks influence me when watch America's next top model, yeah, i must be skinny, hahaha
although, it's hard for me to have a body like Tyra, she's soooo skiny
maybe i hope i can have weight about 55 kg

i do detox diet, it's like be a vegetarian, you just eat vegetables and fruits, maybe i still eat chicken or egg, but not like M*D or K*C, i'll cook by myself, a healty food
because, many people said that we must eat meat to give us nutrition

by the way, when i do shopping in B*rma, i saw W*P, a package for diet, the cost is about 120,000 rupiah and it's for 6 day, it say that when i use this diet package, my weight will loose about 1.5 kilograms
i'm so interested, but i must think twice about that, because sometimes, when i buy something, i'm lazy to do, hahaha

fyi, when i write this article, i'm so hungry, hahaha

*maaf yah, bahasa inggrisnya berantakan, lagi pengen belajar bikin tulisan pake bahasa inggris*

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