teman saya ada yang pernah bilang, bahwa persahabatan kekalnya tidak mengharapkan balasan atau timbal balik seperti hukum newton ketiga
dimana ada aksi, disana terjadi reaksi
yah, sama halnya juga, saat kita peduli dengan seseorang, alangkah baiknya kita tidak mengharapkan imbalan atau balasan terhadap rasa kepedulian kita
toh, kalau kita mengharapkan balasan atas rasa peduli kita, rasa peduli yang telah kita berikan terhadap orang tersebut akan menjadi sia-sia
ibu saya pernah berkata, saat kita melakukan hal baik terhadap banyak orang, memang kadang kita sering mengharapkan hal yang baik juga dilakukan orang-orang terhadap kita, padahal kalau seandainya kita melakukan dengan ikhlas, toh nanti, walau bukan orang tersebut yang membalas, Tuhan yang akan membalasnya dengan cara yang lain, dan saya percaya itu, tetapi alangkah lebih baik lagi, jika kita tidak mengharapkan apapun dari kepedulian yang telah kita berikan
sama seperti saat kita merasa jatuh cinta, kadang kita sulit menerima orang tersebut bahagia dengan orang lain, padahal menurut saya itu bukanlah cinta, itu adalah nafsu, nafsu ingin memiliki
karena cinta yang tulus adalah mencintai tanpa mengharapkan balasan :)
jadi, lakukan segala sesuatu dengan ikhlas
rasa peduli
rasa persahabatan
dan rasa cinta
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
—Mother Teresa
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
—Mother Teresa
being wise
makasih buat Debby, yang udah ng-tag saya tulisan ini, di note-nya
makasih banget :)
enjoy your life by enjoying the present moment
although small children know how to make life fun adults often forget
many people pursue happiness in the future and miss the abundant simple pleasures in the present
find a dream and pursue it. discover what you really want and go after it. but avoid the path of least persistence
sincerely love people and treat them well
give people all the love and kindness that you have, love and kindness will come back to you
drop your regrets. live in the present, not int the past.
avoid self-tormenting language: "I should have...", "I could have...", "I wish I had...", "If only..."
learn to like yourself. people who feel good about themselves are the most positive and productive people in the world. they never waste time feeling sorry for themselves
lighten up and laugh. don't take things seriously like a fuddy-daddy, smiling and laughing will bring the best in you.
remember: people who enjoy life tend to be positive, productive, and successful
makasih banget :)
enjoy your life by enjoying the present moment
although small children know how to make life fun adults often forget
many people pursue happiness in the future and miss the abundant simple pleasures in the present
find a dream and pursue it. discover what you really want and go after it. but avoid the path of least persistence
sincerely love people and treat them well
give people all the love and kindness that you have, love and kindness will come back to you
drop your regrets. live in the present, not int the past.
avoid self-tormenting language: "I should have...", "I could have...", "I wish I had...", "If only..."
learn to like yourself. people who feel good about themselves are the most positive and productive people in the world. they never waste time feeling sorry for themselves
lighten up and laugh. don't take things seriously like a fuddy-daddy, smiling and laughing will bring the best in you.
remember: people who enjoy life tend to be positive, productive, and successful
1. jadi guru tk,
2. keliling dunia,
3. punya banyak sekolah gratis,
4. punya banyak anak dari seluruh negara,
5. setiap anak memiliki kehidupan yang layak,
[life is a dream, REALIZE IT - mother teresa]
i miss them so much :'(
dulu saat saya masih kecil, pada saat magrib saya, ibu, bapak, dan adik saya, selalu menunaikan ibadah shalat magrib bersama-sama, saya merindukan sekali masa-masa itu, karena sekarag saat jauh dari orangtua, shalat sendirian dikamar, membuat saya sedih
dulu saat saya masih kecil, tiap sore ibu menyuapi saya sambil saya bermain dengan adik saya, padahal dulu saya sering malas kalau disuruh ibu makan, sering sebal kalau makanannya tidak sesuai dengan mood saya, sekarang saya merindukan masakan ibu, masakan terbaik yang pernah saya makan :'(
dulu saat saya masih kecil, setiap pulang kerja, bapak membawakan roti pisang coklat, untuk bekal saya kalau sekolah, kadang juga membawa dua batang coklat untuk saya dan adik saya, saya merindukan bapak saya sekali
dulu saat saya masih kecil, saya dilarang ibu keluar rumah disuruh belajar dan tidur siang, sekarang saya mengerti kenapa ibu melakukan hal seperti itu kepada saya, dia ingin yang terbaik untuk anaknya
dulu saat saya masih kecil, kalau saya diajak kakek saya untuk menginap di rumahnya, karena di sana tidak ada teman bermain, dan saya sering kesepian, tapi sekarang saya sering menangis, i really miss him, i miss his house, i miss my grandmom, i really miss them
dulu saat saya masih kecil, ibu seringkali marah kalau saya tidak shalat dan tidak mengaji, sekarang dia hanya bisa mengingatkan saya dari jauh, saya merindukan anjuran-anjuran dirinya, kepada saya
the most important thing in life is your family. there are days you love them, and others you don’t, but in the end they’re the people you always come home to. sometimes it’s the family you’re born into and sometimes it’s the one you make for yourself — Sex and the City
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